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French Trade Unions Back Argentina's Jan. 24 Strike Against Milei's Fascist Policies

Six French trade union federations, grouped in an inter-trade union coalition, have issued a statement of solidarity with the three Argentine trade union federations that will hold a general strike Jan. 24 to protest the fascist austerity policies imposed by President Javier Milei. The French trade organizations include CGT, Force Ouvrière, CFDT, FSU, UNSA and Solidaires, which intend to hold a solidarity protest on Jan. 24 in front of the Argentine Embassy in Paris.

As reported by La Izquierda Diario, the French press release, entitled “In Argentina, Democracy and Fundamental Rights Are Threatened! Solidarity with the Country’s Workers and Trade Unions!” warns that Milei’s Urgency and Necessity decree (DNU) and the Omnibus bill “overturn 300 laws that affect individual and collective rights … question the country’s democratic principles, ignore the separation of powers and violate Argentina’s Constitution.” These laws “attest to the nature of the extreme right wing and constitute a mortal danger for labor, public services and the environment.”

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