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Germany Was Second Major Weapons Supplier to Ukraine in 2023

Germany has allocated more than €27.8 billion to support Ukraine since the start of the special military operation, according to an article published on the German Foreign Ministry’s website this week, which states that deliveries to Ukraine will “last for as long as it takes.”

This may come as a surprise to media audiences which hear Britain making the loudest noises about its own funding and support for Ukraine, but the German Foreign Ministry statement gives specifics.

“Since the outbreak of the war, the German Government has made available more than €27.8 billion in bilateral support for Ukraine; this aid includes a substantial winter assistance program, helping those who have fled Ukraine, and assisting efforts to investigate war crimes as well as humanitarian assistance and mine clearance operations,” it said.

The ministry points out that Germany is the largest donor to the European Peace Fund [sic], which finances the EU countries’ supply of weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. So far, €5.6 billion have been allocated from the fund for these purposes.

Germany is the second-largest supplier of arms to Ukraine after the U.S. This year, Berlin is going to allocate more than €7 billion for military supplies to Kiev. Another €10 billion are already planned for the years beyond 2024. This is expected to include more air defense systems and ammunition for the battle tanks, armored personnel carriers and launchers of air defense missiles.