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Germany’s Protests Expanding To Train Engineers

While German farmers are continuing their protest, which will culminate in a major rally in Berlin on Jan. 15, train engineers went on a three-day strike, blocking 80% of long-distance rail traffic. It is not yet a general strike in Germany, but it has the flavor of it.

To the surprise of stupid liberal politicians, a large majority of the German population are behind the farmers’ protest. The Berliner Zeitung reports that “Despite major road blockades that brought traffic to a standstill throughout Germany, Berliners are backing the farmers. 65% of our readers think the ongoing protests are the right thing to do—even though 28% of respondents feel that the protests are restricting their everyday lives.”

According to polls reported by the popular tabloid Bild, 68% of the population mistrust politicians, and 45% of Germans ("a people not known for demonstrations") say they would go into the streets against the government.

Faced with the rage of the population, the government has tried to criminalize the protest, “making the angry angrier,” warned Bild. This is the case of stupid Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), who warned there would be an attempt to overthrow the government by radicals “who want to destroy our democratic state” on Jan. 15. There is “no guarantee” that, in the end, “the state of law is not endangered,” Habeck lied.