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Germany's Soeder: Give Ukraine "New Courage" With Our Taurus Missiles

In Germany, CSU leader, and Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Soeder is calling on the government to hand over Taurus missiles to the Kiev regime. After obtaining such weapons, Ukraine “will be able to repel constant drone and missile attacks,” he claimed, speaking at the land party meeting in Bavaria, reported TASS.

According to the politician, this is “the only chance for Ukraine to find new courage and for the Russians not to win.” He claimed further that, if Russia prevails and the US distances itself from international crises more than it does now, then Germany and the EU will face a “real security problem.”

Germany and the EU had a “real security problem” back in December, 2021 (involving the West’s military buildup on Russia’s border) which Russia had offered to settle without firing missiles at each other. It must be asked, how long must Ukraine suffer from such hysterical blindness amongst the geopoliticians?