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International Support Building for Argentine Unions Jan. 24 General Strike

Argentina’s CTA labor federation has compiled an impressive list of international trade unions, overseas Argentine groups, and sympathizers, that are supporting the CGT-CTA 24-hour strike and march to Congress on Jan. 24 to protest the fascist policies of the Javier Milei government. In many cases, foreign trade union federations will be holding solidarity demonstrations on Jan. 24 and are warning of the dangerous implications of Milei’s “urgency and necessity” decree (DNU) and Omnibus bill for labor rights and for the Argentine Constitution itself, should these bills be approved in Congress.

Not mentioned in the CTA’s list is the IndustriALL Global Union labor organization, representing 50 million industrial workers in 140 countries, which has issued a very strong statement supporting the CGT/CTA Jan. 24 general strike and its fight to defend labor and constitutional rights. It denounces the DNU and the Omnibus bill as a grave threat to such fundamental rights as the right to strike. IndustriALL has many Argentine trade union affiliates involved in mining, automotive, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, energy and electronics sectors, among others.

Many other international labor federations, human rights organizations, and social groups are also mobilizing for the Jan. 24 events. Groups of Argentines living abroad, in Barcelona, Lisbon/Porto, Brussels, and Geneva, are planning demonstrations of support on that date with slogans such as “Don’t sell out the country” ("la Patria no se vende").

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