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Italian and Spanish Farmers Escalate Protests

The protests of Italian farmers have never stopped since they began, and they are now escalating. Today, tractorcades are blocking roads around major cities, including Milan, Mantova, Verona, and other cities in Lombardy, Tuscany, Calabria and Sardinia. A blockade of Rome is planned. The protests are self-organized by local committees, such as Comitati Riuniti Agricoli (CRA) or Riscatto Agrario (Agricultural Redemption), which are exposing the complicity of established farmers unions with the EU and national green lobbies.

CRA leader Danilo Calvani has exposed a government attempt to crush the protests. In a Facebook video, Calvani said that countergang farmer groups have been created overnight, who will meet Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida in Verona today, so he can declare an agreement between farmers and the government has been reached. Such tricks had been used in the past, and back then, farmers fell in the trap, Calvani said, but this time they will not. Despite the “enormous sacrifices” farmers are making in the protests, such as sleeping outside in the cold, he announced there would be even stronger forms of protest in coming days.

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