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The latest ABC News/Ipsos poll has Biden hitting a 15-year record low for any President. One has to go back to the tail-end days of the disastrous George W. Bush administration for similar results—and Biden is still dropping. Presently, only 33% of U.S. adults say they approve of Biden’s job, while 58% disapprove. The poll was conducted between Jan. 4 and 8. Their last poll, in September, had Biden at 37%, but he managed to lose another 4%.

Despite this, his 33% general approval level is still higher than the 31% who approve of his handling of the economy. The Hill notes that the only good news is that 56% disapprove of his handling of the economy, down from 64% last September. But even that is qualified, as the 8% fewer disapprovals is completely accounted for by the voters who stopped answering that question in the poll. It had an unusual climb from 6% to 14%.

What about Biden’s mental sharpness? When asked whether Biden had adequate mental sharpness, 28% reported that they still think so—also down from the 32% of four months ago.