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Marco Rubio Denounces BRICS for Thwarting Sanctions, Increasing Development Loans

In an article celebrating the right-wing libertarian-fascist government of Argentina’s President Javier Milei for keeping the country out of the BRICS group of nations, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) denounced the BRICS nations for the apparently frightening sins of making low-cost development loans and preventing U.S. sanctions from being effective.

[Rubio’s article]( was written for RealClearWorld news site on Jan. 15. The neo-con Senator wrote that the “BRICS members pool foreign currency reserves and lend billions in easy money to pit developing nations against the United States and other Western countries.” (Obviously if the United States were making such loans to developing countries, this “pitting"—whatever Rubio imagines those countries’ aggressive desire for international cooperation to be—would be more difficult.)

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