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The Norwegian government announced in a statement issued yesterday, that it has decided to allow directs sales of arms and military equipment by Norwegain defense firms to Kiev. Oslo has been providing aid to the Kiev regime in many other ways, but has not, before now, allowed direct sales of military equipment and munitions. “In the extraordinary security situation resulting from Russia’s war of aggression, it is crucial that we continue to support Ukraine. Support for Ukraine is important for Norwegian and European security. We must plan for the possibility that the illegal war of aggression may be prolonged. The government has therefore decided to permit direct sales of weapons and defense-related products from [the] Norwegian defense industry to Ukraine,” said Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide.

“Provided that the export meets requirements for verified needs and end-user control, the government has therefore decided to permit direct sales of weapons and defense-related products from the Norwegian defense industry to the defense authorities in Ukraine,” the statement adds.

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