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Pistorius Again: ‘Prepare for War’ As Germany Is in ‘Two-Year Recession’

The New York Times headlined a Jan. 19 article, “Germany, Once a Powerhouse, Is at an Economic Standstill” and noted that German industrial production continues falling along with GDP, and other data. The Federal Republic National Statistics Office reported Jan. 14 that Germany’s GDP dropped by 0.3% in 2023 as against 2022, due to “multiple crises.” Its president, Dr. Ruth Brand, said “Despite recent price declines, prices remained high at all stages in the economic process, and put a damper on economic growth.” Britain’s The Guardian quoted bank analysts forecasting another recession year in 2024. “There is no imminent rebound in sight and the economy looks set to go through [a] two-year recession,” said Carsten Brzeski of the Dutch ING Bank.

But Berlin’s Defense Minister Boris Pistorius again demanded that Germany become ready for war against Russia. This “war readiness” to double its military spending and cut itself off from energy and all trade with Russia has already put it in what the Times charitably called “standstill.” In a new interview with Tagesspiegel Jan. 18, Pistorius said, “We hear threats from the Kremlin almost every day, most recently again against our friends in the Baltic States. Our experts calculate that in a period of 5-8 years it [war] could be possible.” Pistorius said he wanted to shake up German society, so that the Bundeswehr would become “war-ready.”