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Mass Rallies, from Yemen to Australia, Demanding Ceasefire

Mass rallies demanding ceasefire in Gaza and other actions took place today at dozens of locations around the world. It was reported by collaborators in the Global Day of Action that protests were set for 30 countries, covering all continents.

• In Yemen yesterday, masses of people, estimated as high as a million, turned out for protests in Sana’a and other cities in response to the U.S./U.K. bombing raids on Houthi military targets. Reuters put the numbers in the tens of thousands. “Your strikes on Yemen are terrorism,” Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi, a member of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, told the crowd in Sana’a referring to the United States. “The United States is the Devil.” Al-Houthi said, “We did not attack the shores of America, nor did we move in the American islands, nor did we attack them. Your strikes on our country are terrorism…. They are terrorists and they are amazing at lying to the people of the world, but the awareness of the Yemeni people is a different awareness. Do you, Yemeni, think that America is defending itself or is it a terrorist?”

• In Washington, D.C., the March4Gaza brought out thousands today, including people from all around the nation. The signs and messages included the focus on Biden, that he could stop the war with a phone call. Co-founder of CODEPINK Medea Benjamin told AP that the name, “Genocide Joe” will stick to Biden because of what he is doing. The march route started at Freedom Plaza, and included a stop at the White House. Preliminary reports put the crowd at 25,000, but this will have been exceeded.

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