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Andriy Derkach, a former member of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada, and also a former SBU agent, alleged that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy holds blackmail material on U.S. President Joe Biden, involving the Biden family dealings in Ukraine, including the sweetheart deal for son Hunter Biden on the board of Burisma, and the invention of the “Russiagate” scam against Trump. Derkach also alleges that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has instructed Kiev to take care of “the Derkach matter.” Derkach fled Ukraine for Belarus. Kiev has accused Derkach of treason.

Derkach gave an extensive interview to journalist Simona Mangiante, who is herself an interested party. She is the wife of George Papadopoulos, one of the victims in the 2017 Russiagate operation. Summarized highlights of his interview follow.

Then Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, whom Vice-President Biden strong-armed Ukraine’s then-President Petro Poroshenko into firing in 2016, had been talking with two attorneys working with the U.S. Congress on the Biden corruption case—Jake Greenberg and Clark Abourisk. Derkach said that he knew, from previous contacts in the SBU, that in October 2023, that the SBU “recorded those conversations, where Shokin told the [investigators from] Congress about real criminal acts of Blinken and Biden, and about the corruption of the Biden family.” If so, Republicans in Congress also have such testimony.

Derkach added: “Shokin is now a hostage on Ukrainian territory. As far as I know, he is not allowed to leave Ukraine. He is under the total control of the Security Service of Ukraine.” He is now being used by Zelenskyy’s government as a bargaining chip with Washington. Derkach names Biden, Blinken, Zelenskyy and Andriy Yermak, who heads the Office of the President in Kiev, as most interested in what Shokin has on Biden.

Derkach had been an intelligence officer in the SBU, before being elected to the unicameral Verkhovna Rada. (Actually, back in the early 1990s, Derkach had received his original intelligence training from the Russians, at a time when the two countries worked together, before he worked for the SBU.) He says that he was tipped off about the surveillance by sources inside the SBU. He claimed that his sources had told him that “the question of liquidating Mr. Shokin on the territory of Ukraine is under consideration.” He urged the U.S. Congress to ensure the man’s safety and extraction from his home country.

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