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U.K. Committing 20,000 Troops to NATO Exercise for ‘New Era’ of Warfare

The British Ministry of Defense issued a press release dated today, announcing that 20,000 British soldiers, sailors and airmen would be participating in Steadfast Defender 24, a series of NATO exercises running through the first half of 2024. “The exercises will see the U.K.’s Armed Forces join thousands of personnel from 31 NATO allies and Sweden, operating across multiple countries, coinciding with the NATO Alliance’s 75th year,” the release says.

Defense Secretary Grant Shapps delivered a speech at Lancaster House today, where he said, among other things, the following: “We are in a new era and we must be prepared to deter our enemies, prepared to lead our allies and prepared to defend our nation whenever the call comes. Today our adversaries are busily rebuilding their barriers. Old enemies are reanimated. Battle lines are being redrawn. The tanks are literally on Ukraine’s lawn. And the foundations of the world order are being shaken to their core. We stand at a crossroads.”

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