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Farmers, craftsman, and trucking company employers and drivers from all over Germany gathered Jan. 15 at noon at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, to protest the policies of the German government, which are killing all productive potential in the country. The green ideology in general, and also the recent cutting of subsidies for gasoline (Agrardiesel) and vehicles (tractors, harvesters etc.) were the straw that broke the camel‘s back.

Throughout the night on Sunday, Jan. 14, before the rally, one could hear the approaching tractorcades, honking to announce their arrival on five different routes through the city. As has been the case throughout the week, there were people on the roadside waving, with thumbs up to show their solidarity with the farmers.

At the rally, the president of the Farmers’ Association, Deutscher Bauernverband, declared that they have the support of 70-80% of the population. He also stressed several times that the supply of affordable food is essential for the stability of the state and democracy.

The head of a transport association attacked the German government’ Green policy and also the EU’s. Since early December, truckers have had to pay €6.7 billion more for the CO2 tax. This will drive inflation and bankruptcies.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner was at the rally and spoke, trying to sell his austerity policy with a few small adjustments—but to no avail. First, he tried to blame green activists (Klimakleber), and twice he stressed the alleged danger of Putin and Russia, which he claimed had forced the German government to spend all the money for defense.

LaRouche movement BüSo organizers distributed a special leaflet for the occasion, wearing body signs saying “Tractors Instead of Tanks” and “Butter Instead of Cannons”—and found a lot of agreement. In general, the demonstrators were more outspoken than their leadership. You could read signs such as “Enough Is Enough,” “They haven’t sown, they haven’t harvested—but they think they know better,” and even some posters attacking the war economy. In total 15-20,000 people took part in the protest.