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U.S. ‘Grassroots Diplomats’ Mobilize for South Africa's ICJ Case vs. Israeli Genocide in Gaza

CODEPINK’s Melissa Garriga reviewed in the LA Progressive an extensive mobilization in the United States for South Africa’s intervention at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to stop Israeli genocidal activity in Gaza. She reported on the actions of a coalition involving CODEPINK, World Beyond War and RootsAction, with delegations in major cities engaging “with UN missions, embassies, and consulates worldwide, urging countries to invoke the Genocide Convention at the United Nations’ judicial arm,” the ICJ. So far, Türkiye, Malaysia, and Slovakia have announced public support for South Africa’s filing, and Jordan has now announced that it will file a “Declaration of Intervention” supporting South Africa’s case.

The effort has produced over 30,000 signatures on their petition and generated over 100,000 letters (118,290 at last count) to officials of various countries. They call themselves “grassroots diplomats,” to counter what U.S. diplomats have been doing. Garriga notes that “the United States supported Ukraine invoking the Genocide Convention last year in the International Court of Justice with far less evidence.” While the effort will continue into this week, Garriga presented the results in various U.S. cities. Among other tools is the call for joining South Africa’s effort: “It’s Time To Invoke the Genocide Convention.”

On the matter of countries filing a “Declaration of Intervention” with the ICJ, a New York City delegation visited some 30 UN missions, including meetings with Colombia’s Ambassador Arlene Tickner, Pakistan’s Deputy Permanent Representative, the Bangladesh Consul, African Union diplomats. The South African Deputy Permanent Representative acknowledged and appreciated the effort.

A team in Washington met with the Deputy Minister at the Colombian Embassy, had discussions at the Bolivian Embassy, and submitted petitions at the Embassies of Ghana, Chile and Ethiopia. They report arrangements for a meeting with the Turkish ambassador.

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