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Ynet Op-Ed Insists ‘Netanyahu Can and Should Be Replaced’

Ynet, the online edition of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s largest circulating daily, runs an op-ed arguing calling for the replacement of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Entitled “Netanyahu Can and Should Be Replaced” by retired Israeli ambassador Tova Herzl, it demonstrates to those who think that “as bad as Netanyahu is, there is no replacement,” that, given Netanyahu’s background in government, he is most likely the least qualified. She points out that, prior to becoming Prime Minister, the only public positions Netanyahu held were that of Ambassador to the United Nations and Deputy Foreign Minister, where “he did not manage a large body, was not responsible for budgets, did not determine policy and was not required to make important decisions.” And “ambassador to the UN and deputy foreign minister, [are] visible positions which require much talking and demand little action, results or responsibility.” If these two positions are Netanyahu’s claim to competence, then “there are many worthwhile candidates to replace him, and his supporters (as well as his detractors) will understand that there is no reason to stick with him, of all people.”

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