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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy displayed a short fuse today at the World Economic Forum at Davos, evidently stinging from the loss of his previously elevated status. First, at the “Ukraine Peace Formula” gathering, countries called out Ukraine for pretending to have peace talks without Russia present. And, despite the statement of Andrey Yermak, the Head of Ukraine’s Office of the President, that China’s involvement with the “UPF” was essential, China simply failed to attend at all. The curtain may have come down at the “UPF” show. Then today, China reportedly turned down a request from Zelenskyy to meet with Prime Minister Li Qiang in Switzerland.

This morning, Politico reported that a senior U.S. official told them: “Beijing rejected Kiev’s request for a meeting at some point during their mutual Swiss visits.” Then, an unnamed Ukrainian official disputed the report of the senior U.S. official, telling Politico that there was never a plan for Zelenskyy to meet with Premier Li Qiang.

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