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Last week on Feb. 8, the U.S. trade union confederation AFL-CIO put out a call for a ceasefire in Gaza. The AFL-CIO statement reads as follows: “The AFL-CIO condemns the attacks by Hamas on October 7th and calls for a negotiated cease-fire in Gaza—including the immediate release of all hostages and provision of desperately needed shelter, food, medicine and other humanitarian assistance to Gazans—and reaffirms our support of a two-state solution for long-term peace and security.”

AFL-CIO is the country’s largest union confederation, representing 60 national and international trade unions comprised of 12.5 million workers. They have now joined major individual trade unions in the U.S. in calling for a ceasefire, including the Communications Workers (CWA), United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE)), many Minnesota Federation of Teachers and teachers locals throughout the country, National Nurses United, United Auto Workers, American Postal Workers Union, and the National Writers Guild.