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African Union Leaders Opening Ceremony: Peace, Development, and Justice for Palestine

African Union Heads of State and Govrrnment Opening Ceremony. Credit: African Union

The opening ceremony of the meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union was live streamed in English translation on Saturday.

An honored guest for the proceeding was President Lula da Silva of Brazil. The Prime Minister of Palestine Mohammad Shtayyeh was also present. Both men were asked to speak during the proceedings.

Chairman of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat gave a major speech. He spoke about the growth of injustice, of hegemonism, of the “might makes right” outlook. “The most flagrant case,” he said, “is that of Gaza, in Palestine.” It is being destroyed, its people “almost exterminated” and deprived of their human rights and dignity. “International rights, international human rights, the rights of man, morality itself” are disregarded and trampled upon. He expressed his happiness with South Africa’s action at the International Court of Justice, which brought a round of applause from the assembled leaders and guests. The African voice for justice recalls the words of Nelson Mandela, who said that South Africa’s freedom was incomplete, without the freedom of the Palestinians. The decision by the Court was a victory not only for South Africa, not only for Africa, but for all nations that stand up for the Palestinians.

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