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Denmark Closes Nord Stream Investigation, Admits ‘Deliberate Sabotage’

The Copenhagen Police, in a press release Feb. 26, announced that it and the Danish intelligence service are closing down their investigation into the Sept. 26, 2022 explosions detonated against the Nord Stream gas pipelines that brought Russian gas underneath the Baltic Sea from outside St. Petersburg to Greifswald, Germany. They will hold no one responsible and press no charges, even though they found deliberate sabotage.

“The joint investigation conducted by the Copenhagen Police and the Danish Security and Intelligence Services (PET) into the Nord Stream explosions has been concluded,” the press release states. “The investigation has led the authorities to conclude that there was deliberate sabotage of the gas pipelines. However, the assessment is that there is not the sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in Denmark,” and “therefore, the Copenhagen Police has decided to conclude the criminal investigation of the explosions.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated today, the situation is “close to absurd. Apparently, they were getting closer to, as they call it, outing their closest allies. One can only express absolute astonishment and nothing else.”

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