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German Farmers’ Protest Becomes Mittelstand Revolt

German farmer tractor protest. EIRNS/Christopher Lewis

Following the joint action of Germany’s farmers, freight forwarders, trades people and craftsmen to block access roads to the ChemCoast industrial complex at the western end of the Kiel Canal, their alliance was officially sealed with the founding of an association called “Mittelstand Community.” Their alliance will also cooperate in future protest actions.

Another aspect gaining importance in farmers’ actions are tractor blockades of access roads at mainstream media publishing houses. On Friday evening, Feb. 9, tractors blocked a center of the Axel Springer group, charging it with disinformation about the farmers’ concerns. The protest action resulted in delayed deliveries of Bild, Die Welt, Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Hamburger Abendblatt, which probably resulted in a general rise in popular IQ throughout Germany.

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