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EIR Vol. 51, No. 6 goes to subscribers Thursday, Feb. 8 with the title, “And We, the People?” The cover photo features the sign: “THANK YOU, Chicago and South Africa, for Opposing Genocide” displayed by LaRouche organizers at the Texas United Against Genocide in Palestine rally at the state capitol in Austin, Feb. 4, 2024.

This week’s Editorial: “‘Knew or Should Have Known’—Governments Complicit in Genocide Will Not Be Able To Plead Ignorance at the Coming Nuremberg Tribunal,” by Dennis Small.

In Section I, International Peace Coalition:

• Remarks to IPC Meeting #35: “The ICJ Ruling Is a Mandate for All of Humanity,” by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

• “The Return of Genghis Khan—Israel Announces Flooding Hamas Tunnels in Gaza with Seawater,” by Dennis Small

In Section II, United States:

• “Chicago City Council Strikes the Moral Nerve, Passes Gaza Ceasefire Resolution,” by Anastasia Battle and Stewart Battle

• “WALL OF SHAME—The U.S. Congressmen Who Are Defending Israel’s Genocide,” by Diane Sare

In Section III, Economics:

• “Mass Farm Protests Across Europe Call for a New, Productive Economy,” by Rainer Apel and Marcia Merry Baker

• Schiller Institute Seminar: “Water for Peace,” by Odile Mojon and Christine Bierre

In Section IV, From Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

• Live Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, “Your Voice Must Be Heard Now!”