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Greek Beekeepers Rally with Hives in Front of Parliament

Greek beekeepers joined Greek farmers in staging their own demonstration in front of Parliament on Feb. 22. Instead of tractors, the 1,000 beekeepers brought their beehives, piling them up in a wall-like formation. According to ELAS, traffic on Amalias Street was interrupted as the protesters occupied a traffic lane.

The president of the Association of Professional Beekeepers of Messinia, Laconia and Arcadia, Giorgos Sentementes, told national broadcaster ERT, that the beekeepers are asking to put a stop to the labeling of imported honey as being Greek, insisting the products be separated. They are also demanding interventions to reduce production costs, tax-free oil, and a modification of the fire ordinance which, according to Sentementes, prohibits the entry of beekeepers into the forests.

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