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U.S., U.K. Conducted Airstrikes in Yemen Early Feb. 3

Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen news reported this morning that warplanes conducted three airstrikes on the eastern part of the city of Saada in northern Yemen at dawn on Saturday, Feb. 3, marking a new American-British aggression against Yemen. The Russian Sputnik news agency cited a source in the local authority of Saada Governorate stating that American and British fighter jets carried out three airstrikes on the Kahlan camp, located east of the city of Saada. The source added that drones were seen hovering in the city’s sky before the aggression raids were launched.

U.S. Central Command reported in an operational update issued later that U.S. forces had struck four Houthi drones being prepared for launch “in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen,” without specifying if that area was in or near Saada.

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