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Israeli Forces Rescue Two Hostages, but Kill 100 Palestinians in Gaza

Israeli forces carried out a special operation early Monday morning, Feb. 12, to rescue two hostages in southern Gaza, but without regard to safety of Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire. Dozens of civilians were killed in Rafah by airstrikes in support of the rescue in the area of the apartment building where the raid took place. This was only the second successful hostage rescue since Oct. 7, the first having occurred in late October. Another rescue attempt in early December resulted in the hostage being killed. The IDF has killed hostages presenting themselves with white flags.

The Gaza Health Ministry counted 67 Palestinians killed, including women and children, while Hamas put the death toll at over 100. Hamas called the operation “a continuation of the genocide and forced displacement attempts waged against our Palestinian people.”

“The American administration and President Biden personally bear full responsibility along with the occupation government for this massacre, due to the green light they gave to Netanyahu yesterday, and the open support they provide him with money, weapons, and political cover to continue the war of genocide and massacres,” Hamas said in its statement.