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LaRouche Independent Senate Candidate Diane Sare Keynotes Presidents Day Conference

Diane Sare. Credit: Sare for Senate.

Sunday February 18, 2024

DANIEL BURKE: Hello, and welcome to the Diane Sare for U.S. Senate Presidents’ Day Conference, “America’s Next Fifty Years.” My name is Daniel Burke. I have here a document, “Peace Through Development for Palestine and Israel.” It contains in it the following translation from Confucius: “Truly great music shares the principle of harmony with the universe. Therefore, the superior man tries to create harmony in the human heart by a rediscovery of human nature, and tries to promote music as a means to the perfection of human culture.”

It is in that spirit that we are convened here today, and I am deeply honored to be able to introduce to you your candidate for U.S. Senate in New York State, Diane Sare.

DIANE SARE: Thank you very much. I would like to begin by playing an excerpt from Lyndon LaRouche, who set this up nicely and me nicely as he always did, by putting you out on a limb. We’re going to hear from him, a few minutes from him about the question of leadership.


LYNDON LAROUCHE: Well, the first thing you have to do, which is my special principle, you start from the future and work backwards. That’s the only way to do anything competently. The problem is, people will try to work their way from today to the future. That’s a mistake. You have to work backwards from the future. Now, of course that’s been my practice in business matters and other relevant matters since the 1950s, when I was first in the forecasting business. It worked then and it still works, the principle always works.

Human beings, unlike animals, start from the future. Now, I admit an egg does tend to grow, it does tend to hatch. But the point is, that also happens in the future, the hatching comes in the future. So, the point is, you have to start from the future. You have to come up with an estimate of what is possible. You have to foresee the catastrophes which are awaiting you, and so forth and so on. So, you have to start from the future, and generally that means you’ve got to think at least a decade or two decades ahead. That’s what it takes to get any major change in technology through in any nation. Therefore, you start from the future.

This is a peculiarity of the human mind which does not exist in the animal mind. The animal mind can only work on the basis of working from the present to the future. The human mind, when it’s functioning, works from the future to begin with the present. And that’s the difference.

So it’s a way of thinking that’s important, because there’s the way of thinking of the animal, which is what most people do when they talk about forecasting. They will project, they will project from the present into the future, but from the present. They will determine what they can do from the present. The scientist who is competent works from what he can do from the future to the present. The difference between the two for a human being is credit.

In other words, what happened? Kennedy started a space program. How does a space program work? How does it continue to work? The space program operates only on the basis of proceeding from the future goal to the present achievement. You get to Mars, or you get to the Moon first. Now, we didn’t finish that job, but the intention was to finish it. The intention has been, that the way you can live on the Moon under any condition, you’re going to go underground. You’re going to be an underground movement on the Moon, because all this garbage keeps coming down on the surface of the Moon, and it’s not a good place to play. So, you have to take these tunnels that you can get in the Moon, and you put your apparatus and your system inside these tunnels. And hope that you get them down deep enough, so that you’re going to resist any of the kinds of things you expect might hit on the surface. So, you will plan, first of all, to build a myriad on the Moon in tunnels. And there you will begin to build, largely with some human participation, because it’s sort of a short hop to the Moon if you’ve got good systems. But the point is, you’re going to have to build up a complete apparatus in the tunnels of the Moon. And this is going to be the way you’re going to build, economically, the kinds of devices that will go to places in space, among the asteroids and things like that out there. And that’s the way you’re going to do it.

You must start from planning from the future to the present.

Now, I did a little thing like that in “The Woman on Mars.” It was just a kick in the butt for some people who were too lazy about getting on the horse on this one. But that’s the way it works; you have to point in the future for something that’s going to happen. You will then work your way backward from the future to see if you can do every step on the way to that point. Therefore, what we want is, we want to get young people out of the dumps, out of the drug-yards and similar places, and get them into technological training and university training of a good quality—good quality means it starts from the future. You take the most advanced conceptions in physical science, or an approach to physical science, take the most advanced, advantageous standpoint. You define that, cross-check it, think about it. Now you figure out how you can work your way back to reaching the point that you want to get to, from where you are today. And that’s the only way this will work.

That’s the way I work. That’s the way I forecast. Any human being can forecast effectively if they go through the kind of training and concessions to what they should know, that’s required. If you’re starting from today to build your way to a future, you’re going to find yourself sliding backwards more than going forward.

So, what we need is, we need to get people who have a competence and imagination to match, who will pick points in the future which are achievable. First of all, you start with things that you can know will work. Something that will work five years from now, or over a period of five years where we’re taking it, something like that. But I would say we have to take two generations—50 years. And the general perspective should be programs which are based on a 50-year perspective, with increments in between.

You won’t finish it up that way, but you will start doing it that way because you will have given yourself a task, and your experience in trying to accomplish that task, even in the planning phase, will build up your competence, and you’ll probably get pretty close to what you thought you could do. [end video]

SARE: So, I imagine that that sounded shocking to many people here. Why would this person running for Senate have Lyndon LaRouche talking about building a manned colony on Mars? LaRouche said, at a conference some years ago, the fact that people find this odd, that people attacked me as crazy for saying we’re going to Mars, shows how much less moral the population is than when Kennedy was President and announced the crazy plan to land a man safely on the Moon and bring him safely back to Earth. Why does this sound odd today, and it didn’t sound odd to Americans in 1961? I think we have to consider that, because I have to dispense with a few things that are occurring, which we can do our own kind of forecasting in both directions and see whether LaRouche is right about this.

So, what are we looking at today? We are looking at a situation where, thanks to the identity of the United States being lost in such a way as I just said, thanks to us having a culture which in no way reflects the intentions of our founders, the world is on a precipice. We are just one mistake away from thermonuclear annihilation. The American people are being forced, like in a Satanic cult, to be complicit in the crime of genocide being carried out right now in Gaza, and made to feel helpless because our elected, or selected, officials do not respond. Is there anybody in the world who doesn’t know that a phone call from Joe Biden to Bibi Netanyahu could stop the slaughter in about five minutes? But that is not happening.

So, then what? How do you get out of this? The other thing I have to say, because there was a major shift, people probably saw it: The interview that Tucker Carlson did with President Putin of Russia—two hours. So, what happens? First we have the screaming mimi of Congressman Turner from Ohio—"There’s a national security emergency, I can’t tell you what it is. Everyone has to come to my office if you want to know what it is, but I can’t tell you. But maybe Biden will declassify it, oh my gosh!” So, then we hear that the Russians are supposedly going to put nuclear weapons up in space. Do you think our Space Force—remember the Space Force?—wasn’t already planning this? And then that didn’t scare people enough, that didn’t do it. So, then what happens? Oh, Alexei Navalny suddenly just dropped dead in prison. What use would poisoning or killing Navalny be to President Putin in Russia right now? His popularity is like 90%. The whole nation is unified behind him in defeating the NATO proxy, pro-Nazi regime in Ukraine. He just did a two-hour interview with Tucker Carlson. Do you think he would want to undermine all of that by bumping off a so-called opposition leader who, by the way, is a horrible racist himself, which no one here ever talks about? It was so conveniently timed, because Navalny’s wife was at the Munich Security Conference! So she got to get up and give a speech, blaming Putin. They don’t even know the cause of death, there hasn’t even been an investigation yet. Then the United States is completely enraged that the Chinese dared to say that this was an internal Russian affair, that there had been no investigation yet, and therefore they are not commenting. How dare those Chinese respect the sovereignty of some other nation?

We are being bombarded, bombarded, bombarded. I wanted to read you something, given that it’s Presidents’ Day and we have to think about these things. This is a letter from Alexander Hamilton; people may know it. He didn’t admit to it at the time. It’s called “The Farmer Refuted,” from February 1775. I thought of this.

He writes: “The experience of past ages may inform us that when the circumstances of a people render them distressed, their rulers generally recur to severe, cruel, and oppressive measures.” Does that sound familiar? “Instead of endeavouring to establish their authority in the affection of their subjects, they think they have no security but in their fear. They do not aim at gaining their fidelity and obedience, by making them flourishing, prosperous and happy; but by rendering them abject and dispirited. They think it necessary to intimidate and awe them, to make every accession to their own power, and to impair the people’s as much as possible.” [Emphasis in original.]

Does that sound to anyone like the United States today? Hamilton warned us about this in 1775. Now in contrast, I will share with you an outrageous quote from George Washington, which I think was influenced by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. In his Farewell Address. He says—and I won’t read you the whole thing, well I’ll read you a little more because it’s beautiful. This is on foreign relations, he says:

“Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it—It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and at no distant period, a great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt that, in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages which might be lost by a steady adherence to it? Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtue?”

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