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Munther Isaac Confronts Christian Zionism and Empowers Advocates for Palestinian Liberation

Rev. Munther Isaac, a Palestinian Lutheran in Bethlehem, Palestine, who gained world renown for his Dec. 23 Christmas sermon, drew the moral line regarding human conduct in Gaza. Roughly 540 peace and religious activists participated in the one-hour virtual event on Sunday, Feb. 4, organized and sponsored by Pax Christi USA, Palestinian Christians for Peace, and Friends of Sabeel North America.

The central theme and discussion were topics surrounding Christian Zionism and the Spirit of God, Jesus, and the reflection of this spirit in Jews and Chrisians in their lives. He stated from his opening remarks that Zionism is not religious; that it has no real theological grounding—"God is not a Tribal god that gives all to one son….”

He stressed in his remarks, that these events did not start on Oct. 7, and related his decades of discussions with American evangelicals and Biblical institutes of “God’s Plan” as if “the land were vacant.” He related that Zionism is politically motivated, especially as a tool in the context of colonialism.

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