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Preview of Feb. 16 EIR: ‘A Transformation of the Moral Universe Is Required, Again’

EIR Vol. 51, No. 7 goes to subscribers Thursday, Feb. 15 with the above title. The cover photo is Rembrandt van Rijn’s pen and ink, The Healing of the Mother-in-Law of Saint Peter, composed in the late 1650s.

The Editorial, “ISRAEL-PALESTINE—Oasis Plan: Build and Rebuild, Water and Prosperity for All,” is provided by Stewart Battle

This week’s featured reprint from Lyndon LaRouche is from a webcast he delivered in 2010: “Change Is a’Comin’”

In Section I, International:

• International Peace Coalition Meeting #36: “A Transformation of the Moral Universe Is Required,” by Daniel Platt

• Live Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Feb. 7: “Urgent Mobilization Against the Unipolar War Machine”

• “Farm Protests Across Europe Reject Concessions, Demand New Economic System,” by Marcia Merry Baker and EIR International Staff

• “Farmers Could Consider Russia’s Successful Farm Policies, 2014–2024,” by Paul Gallagher

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