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Russian Diplomat Says Serious Dialogue with U.S. Impossible

In remarks reported by TASS this morning, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov reiterated that Russia has no intention of putting nuclear weapons in space and that it intends to continue to abide by the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. He called U.S. accusations that Russia is planning to place nuclear weapons in space “absurd” and said it is impossible to have a serious dialogue with the American side.

“The Americans exploit this issue for propaganda purposes and advance groundless accusations that are not backed by any slightest proof. This is their usual manner. Reasonable representatives of the international community have long grown aware of this and cannot treat U.S. accusations of this kind seriously,” Ryabkov said. Washington needs to change its practical policy to resume dialogue with Russia on strategic stability, he said. “Their hostile course needs to be changed and then we will see whether it is expedient to discuss this issue with them or not,” Ryabkov pointed out.

Russia sees no sense in communicating with the United States on the threat of nuclear weapons deployment in space and Washington advances groundless accusations, Ryabkov argued. “There has been no progress on this issue and there can be none. The reason is clear: the United States advances absurd accusations that we allegedly intend to deploy some systems with the weapons-grade nuclear component in space. That is why, communication is completely unproductive on this issue.”

It is actually impossible to hold a serious dialogue with the Americans due to their habit of breaching accords and leaking confidential information. “The Americans constantly allow information leaks on the issues that we agree with them as being confidential. Initially, they insist that no information be leaked into the public domain on this score and literally after discussing this theme with us, they disclose it themselves,” Ryabkov concluded. “The unacceptable nature of the U.S. approach to any contact and dialogue with us is perfectly clear for us in the light of constant leaks from Washington. We denounce this American practice,” he said.