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Sikorski's ‘Bold’ War Plans Mean a ‘Sublime’ Moment

Secretary of State Tony Blinken met with his (Anglo-)Polish counterpart, Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, yesterday at the State Department. The ostensible subject on their agenda was to prepare the March 12 visit to Washington by Poland’s President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Donald Tusk. However, before meeting privately, Sikorski announced in their public remarks that “above all, I’m looking forward to discussing what we can do to make sure that Putin doesn’t conquer Ukraine.” We have bold plans on this score, he said, while promoting Poland as a proven asset for the defeat-Russia project, since it is now the biggest spender on defense in NATO, per capita.

“But times are dramatic,” he concluded, “and therefore this moment is sublime, because we are coming up to a fork in the road, and, depending on where we go, history will be different. I’m really looking forward to talking to you.”

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