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South Africa Tells ICJ, Israel’s Apartheid Worse than What We Suffered

South Africa’s ambassador to the Netherlands, Vusimuzi Mandosela, at the ICJ. Credit: ICJ

Speaking before the International Court of Justice today at The Hague, South Africa’s Ambassador to the Netherlands Vusi Madonsela provided a hard-hitting account of how Israel has implemented the practice of apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territories for over 56 years, “with scant attention from the international community.”

South Africa, he said, “bears a special obligation, both to its own people and the international community, to ensure that wherever the egregious and offensive practices of apartheid occur, these must be called out for what they are and brought to an immediate end.” He provided detailed examples of the apartheid Palestinians have been subjected to for the past 56 years, each year getting worse than the year before, in terms of lands confiscated, expansion of settlements, two separate legal systems–one for Palestinians, with no respect for due process, and a different one for Israelis.

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