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There Are ‘Fundamental Differences in Approach to International Politics’ Between U.S. and Russia Says Moscow Envoy to Washington

Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov has had meetings at the National Security Council and State Department this week, but he indicated that there are major gaps between the ways Washington and Moscow approach international relations. He told reporters, after a wreath-laying ceremony at the tomb in Washington of Russian Empire statesman and diplomat Alexander Bodisco, that his meetings showed “fundamental differences in approaches to international politics, to the international environment between the United States and Russia.”

“They are not ready to take into account our concerns. It has been confirmed to us that the United States will use all forces and means to continue supplying Western weapons in order to kill Russian soldiers and civilians,” he said, reported TASS. “Under these circumstances, the question that journalists very often ask may arise—what has to be done. And the answer is very simple. It is necessary to try to achieve a simple, clear and spirited victory on the battlefield during the special military operation,” the Russian ambassador stated.

One of the items on the agenda for Antonov’s meetings, was the Jan. 24 Ukrainian shootdown of a Russian Il-76 transport plane carrying 65 Ukrainian POWs. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the evidence shows that the plane was shot down by using a Patriot missile. Antonov disclosed that he presented U.S. officials with that evidence.

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