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Tucker Carlson issued a challenge in his Feb. 21 “Tucker Carlson Uncensored” program, proposing that every person running for President in the U.S. be asked: Will they pardon Julian Assange if elected?

Stella Assange, wife of that brave whistleblower journalist, was the center of that Carlson program. Carlson interviewed Stella after the close of the last day of the two-day Appeals Court hearing on whether the U.K. will extradite Julian to the U.S. The Court did not issue an immediate ruling, but Stella Assange emphasized that this is the last judicial remedy available in the U.K., and if they turn down his appeal, Julian Assange could be on a plane to perpetual confinement, or worse, in a U.S. maximum prison within days.

Of great interest to Americans should be Carlson and Stella Assange’s discussion of the role of the CIA in Julian Assange’s persecution—and in U.S. domestic politics.

Carlson revealed what Julian had told him when he interviewed him at the maximum security HM Prison Belmarsh last fall, as to why he was so hated by the Washington ruling elite. Assange answered that it was his WikiLeaks public documentation of the CIA’s surveillance program which was the “red line” for his persecution. You are not hearing that crucial explanation from Julian Assange in his own voice, Tucker explained, because prison authorities did not allow him to record the interview.

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