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Ukraine Issues Urgent Appeal for West To Silence Reports of Ukraine’s Collapse

President Zelenskyy’s Intelligence Committee has issued an urgent call to its Western allies to step up measures to suppress any reports of the accelerating collapse of NATO’s proxy war on Russia using Ukraine. In a statement addressed to “Ukrainians and our international partners,” the Intelligence Committee urges its allies to “strengthen joint resistance and comprehensive security measures, especially in the information space,” to “effectively counter” such reports.

Censorship on steroids to suppress reality, in other words.

The statement expresses panic. Published Feb. 27 by the National Security and Defense Council’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), the Security Services (SBU), the Ministry of Defense’s GUR intelligence service and the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine (FISU), the first sentence announces that “two years after Russia unleashed a full-scale war of aggression, Ukraine is facing an objective threat to its existence as a state, as a nation, as a community of free and equal people.”

Russia has launched a special disinformation campaign called Maidan-3 as part of its global hybrid war on civilization, the Committee charges. It claims Russia has spent “an astronomical $1.5 billion [on it]…. the most expensive `action’ of the Russian special services in history.”

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