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Under Pressure from Russia, Ecuador Reneges on Sending Equipment for Ukraine

Ecuador has wisely made the decision not to sell old Soviet military equipment to the U.S. for transfer to Ukraine—a deal the Biden administration had urged it to make. In retaliation against the decision, Russia announced a ban on Ecuadorian bananas and other fruits from Ecuador. After negotiations with Russia, Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa reversed his earlier decision.

Russian Ambassador to Ecuador Vladimir Sprinchan told RIA Novosti today, according to the daily Primicias, that he had met with President Noboa in Guayaquil and that the young head of state had decided not to go through with the previously-announced deal. ” Sprinchan said, “Ecuador is not in a position to send weapons or ammunition to a war zone, but rather to contribute to the resolution of the conflict in a peaceful manner.” The ambassador reported that in their meeting President Noboa said that because Ecuador is a neutral country and is a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, it cannot take part in any conflict. The President’s office has made no further statements about the matter.