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Violent Protests Demanding Prime Minister's Resignation Paralyze Haiti

A fourth day of violent protests demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry continued in Haiti today, affecting most major cities. At least 1,000 schools are closed, as are banks and private businesses, and roads are blockaded with burning tires, tree branches, and old cars. Government offices and private businesses have also come under attack. Haitians have had it with the unelected Henry, who remains in power thanks only to the Biden administration and the “international community.” He is hated for refusing to take any effective action against violent gangs that have taken over the capital of Port-au-Prince and spread to other large cities.

Having taken power after the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, in December 2022, Henry signed an agreement promising to organize elections and step down by Feb. 7, 2024. But he failed to abide by the terms of that agreement or seriously negotiate a consensus with the opposition that would have set the country on a path to elections.

According to the Miami Herald today, Henry “appears to be holding on,” but the situation remains volatile. An added dangerous element in this situation is the role of Guy Philippe, a former Senator and rebel leader. He spent six years in a U.S. prison on drug-smuggling charges, but was recently released and, for unexplained reasons, very quickly deported to Haiti, where he has begun to make trouble. He is making appearances around the country, urging people to rise up against Henry, and is calling on members of the BSAP environmental protection agency, as well as the police and the army, to “neutralize” anyone who supports Henry, ABC News reported today. Five members of the BSAP were killed during this week’s violence.

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