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Over 200 International Legislators Announce Action for Immediate Arms Embargo Against Israel

Legislators call for an arm embargo to Isreal. Credit Israeli Weapons Facebook page

March 5, 2024 (EIRNS)—"We Will Not Be Complicit in Israel’s Grave Violation of International Law” reads the headline of the call published by Progressive International, which over 200 legislators from 13 countries issued on March 1 to express their opposition to their countries’ exporting arms to Israel. They demand an immediate arms embargo. These countries represent Israel’s top military partners. Signers are from national parliamentary bodies of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Türkiye, U.K., and the U.S.A.

Here is the text:

We, the undersigned parliamentarians, declare our commitment to end our nations’ arms sales to the State of Israel.

Our bombs and bullets must not be used to kill, maim, and dispossess Palestinians. But they are: we know that lethal weapons and their parts, made or shipped through our countries, currently aid the Israeli assault on Palestine that has claimed over 30,000 lives across Gaza and the West Bank.

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