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Education for All of Afghanistan’s Girls and Boys Is Key for Our Development, Says Deputy Foreign Minister

March 2, 2024 (EIRNS)—The decision to lift the ban on women’s education beyond the sixth grade and university, an issue the West plays up as the absolute precondition for accepting Afghanistan in the “rules-based order,” is increasingly gaining ground in Afghanistan.

At a Kabul gathering in January, reported TOLOnews, over 200 religious scholars and tribal leaders from various provinces said that women’s presence is necessary throughout the nation and that they should have access to education. “The Islamic Emirate [of Afghanistan] has paid attention to the needs of religious and contemporary sciences, but it should open schools and universities to girls and women,” said Mohammad Hashem, representative of the southern zone of Afghanistan. Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs Mawlawi Abdul Kabir and a number of other cabinet members at the gathering pledged that all the demands and concerns of the country’s citizens will be addressed.

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