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Brazil Holds Israel Responsible for Creating Conditions for ‘Flour Massacre’ To Occur

March 2, 2024 (EIRNS)—The Brazilian Foreign Ministry responded to Israeli military forces opening fire on Palestinians waiting for humanitarian aid near Gaza City on Feb. 29, with a scathing indictment not just of the incident, but of the Netanyahu government’s creation of the conditions throughout the Gaza Strip in which such an incident could occur—and of the international community which has refused to put a stop to these crimes.

“The crowds around the trucks carrying humanitarian aid demonstrate the desperate situation to which the civilian population of the Gaza Strip is subjected and the difficulties in obtaining food in the territory. This is an intolerable situation, which goes far beyond the necessary determination of responsibility for yesterday’s deaths and injuries,” the Foreign Ministry’s March 1 statement” charges.

UN officials and experts in humanitarian aid and health care have been raising a hue and cry over the hunger, thirst and despair suffered by civilians in Gaza, the Ministry reminds. It continues:

“Yet the international community’s inaction in the face of this humanitarian tragedy continues to serve as a veiled incentive for the Netanyahu government to continue targeting innocent civilians and ignoring basic rules of international humanitarian law. Cynical and offensive statements to the victims of the incident, made hours later by a senior Netanyahu government official, should be the last straw for anyone who truly believes in the value of human life.

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