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CELAC President Convenes Emergency Session Opposing Military Intervention in Haiti

March 18, 2024 (EIRNS)—Honduran President Xiomara Castro, who is the current President Pro Tempore of the 33-nation Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), has mobilized the regional organization in opposition to the Anglo-American plan to intervene militarily in Haiti. In a written statement on March 15, President Castro invoked the Kingstown Declaration, signed at the March 1-2 VIII CELAC summit in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, citing Article 72: “We emphasize that the current crisis demands a Haitian-led solution that encompasses broad dialogue among civil society and political actors.”

She continued, that CELAC member states “are obligated to adhere to the Kingstown Declaration…. Under no circumstance must we permit any military action which violates the Principle of Non-intervention and respect for the self-determination of nations.” Addressing the heads of state and government of CELAC member states, Castro called on them to act “immediately and efficiently due to the events suffered by the Haitian people which threaten regional peace.” The Biden administration and its allies are hell-bent on getting a Multilateral Security Support Force, led by Kenya, into Haiti as soon as possible, falsely arguing that that is the way to deal with Haiti’s violent gangs.

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