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‘Common Dreams’ Reviews AIPAC's Warchest To Defeat Peace Candidates

March 7, 2024 (EIRNS)—Under the title “AIPAC’s Dark Money Arm Unleashes $100 Million,” Common Dreams’ website staff writer Brett Wilkins reviews some of the big bucks being spent by the leading U.S. Zionist think tank, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), to defeat all Congressional candidates who fail to fully endorse the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

The March 6 article notes that this includes those who support Israel but not enough: “Dave Min, a Democratic California state senator running for Rep. Katie Porter’s (D-CA) House seat, has said very little publicly about Israel since the Oct. 7 attacks, which he strongly condemned. He does not support a Gaza ceasefire.” And yet AIPAC has spent $4.5 million to defeat him.

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