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Concerns on Capitol Hill Over Biden’s Plan To Build Gaza Pier

March 16, 2024 (EIRNS)—Members of Congress from both parties have questions about how the mission to construct a pier to provide Gaza with humanitarian aid by ship will actually work, from ensuring the safety of the service members constructing the pier, to safely distributing the aid once it arrives. The situation has left many wondering whether the President is sending U.S. military personnel into harm’s way without a firm plan to protect them—and whether the expensive, potentially dangerous venture is even necessary. Several, including some Democrats close to Biden, are quoted to such effect.

“I’m trying to get more details about the concept of operations,” said Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), one of Biden’s closest allies in the Senate, from his home state. “In particular, one of my concerns is security for this operation. Because if the U.S. military is seen to be building and operating it, I think it puts it at greater risk.” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), a senior Armed Services Committee member, said he has “very serious questions about how the construction will be done, with the assurance of safety to our troops.” But he added: “I’m convinced that this kind of humanitarian effort is absolutely necessary.”

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