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Cubans Protest Against Scarce Food and Electricity Caused by U.S. Blockade

March 19, 2024 (EIRNS)—Residents of Cuba’s second largest city, Santiago de Cuba, took to the streets March 17 to demand “food and electricity,” as shortages of both these commodities, as well as fuel, are causing great hardship across the island. Protests also took place in Bayamon in the east and a few other cities. Just two weeks ago, for the first time, Cuba had to request shipments of powdered milk from the World Food Program to ensure adequate supplies for schoolchildren. On the day of the protest in Santiago, residents also suffered through a six-hour power outage, which is an almost daily occurrence.

These are real problems stemming from the 60-plus years of a U.S. economic blockade plus 250 additional economic sanctions imposed by the Trump administration and kept in place by Joe Biden. The remaining effects of Covid and natural disasters have also kicked in. The blockade and sanctions make normal trade and economic relations with other nations often impossible and in some cases life-threatening, as restrictions prevent the purchase of life-saving medicines and medical equipment.

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