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March 5, 2024 (EIRNS)—Judging by the European Union readout on the March 4 meeting between two officials of the European Union External Action Service, the EU “diplomatic service,” and China’s Special Envoy for Eurasian Affairs Li Hui, the EU refused to engage in dialogue on how to foster a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The stated purpose of Li’s ongoing trip to Europe, by the end of which he will have visited Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, and France, as well as Brussels, is to encourage a broader dialogue on precisely that.

The EU External Action Managing Directors for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Michael Siebert, and for Asia and the Pacific Niclas Kvarnström, instead used the meeting to issue diktats to China to join the West’s proxy war with Russia over Ukraine, or else. The EU will support Ukraine with whatever it takes to win, Li was informed. Orders were barked:

“The EU side underlined Russia’s full responsibility for the unprovoked and unjustified aggression…. The EU highlighted that Russia’s war is an existential threat for its security and that therefore China’s position on the war inevitably impacts our bilateral relationship…. The EU expects China … to use every occasion to uphold and promote the UN Charter and international law. The EU side stressed it expects China to call on Russia to respect the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity immediately and unconditionally by withdrawing all forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”

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