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French Colonel on TV: Deploy French Troops to the Dnieper River in Ukraine

French troops in Latvia. Credit: NATO

March 20, 2024 (EIRNS)—French Lt. Col. (ret.) Vincent Arbarétier was interviewed on French TV “Direct LCI” on March 19 about the prospects for President Macron’s proposal to send French troops to fight alongside Ukraine against Russia. Standing before a large map of Ukraine, Arbarétier proposed to mass French troops along the Dnieper River in Ukraine, and he argued that France’s nuclear capability would help deter a Russian retaliation. The following is an English translation of the exchange:

LCI: There are two major scenarios that are envisaged. The first is to mass troops across the Dnieper River. Colonel, what is the interest? And why the Dnieper?

Arbarétier: In fact, the Dnieper River is an important separation between Western Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine. Historically it has a role. In particular, it is easy to recognize on the ground, which is important for soldiers. So if France told Russia, that any crossing would be forbidden under penalty of… [pause]

LCI: Of retaliation?

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