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March 16, 2024 (EIRNS)—The leaders of the G7 countries issued “a sharp warning to Iran” yesterday, threatening “significant measures” if Tehran sends ballistic missiles to Russia, reported Politico. In a statement they said that “we are extremely concerned about reports that Iran is considering transferring ballistic missiles and related technology to Russia after having supplied the Russian regime with UAVs, which are used in relentless attacks against the civilian population in Ukraine.”

“Were Iran to proceed with providing ballistic missiles or related technology to Russia, we are prepared to respond swiftly and in a coordinated manner including with new and significant measures against Iran,” the statement continued. The statement did not detail any specific actions the countries would take. It could, however, be a reference to future sanctions on Iran.

Politico notes that there is no evidence that a transfer of ballistic missiles has already occurred, according to a senior administration official who briefed reporters on the statement. But the G7 is keen to send a unified message to Iran that if such a shipment were to proceed, it won’t be business as usual. Among the options being floated, the official explained, was a suspension of Iran Air flights to European cities.

The statement followed a report by Reuters in late February claiming that Iran had provided Russia with “a large number of powerful surface-to-surface ballistic weapons,” a claim that the Iranians denied at the time.