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Haiti's Prime Minister Resigns; What's Offered in His Place Is No Solution

Haiti's former de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry. Credit: Government of Haiti

March 12, 2024 (EIRNS)—In a video address issued last night, Haiti’s de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry finally resigned. His resignation came at the end of yesterday’s day-long High Level Meeting on Haiti in Jamaica, at which representatives from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the U.S., Canada, France, the UN, Mexico, and others produced a plan for the creation of a seven-member transitional presidential council empowered to name an interim prime minister and cabinet. Representatives of Haiti’s political parties and coalitions will serve on the council—these are the “Haitian stakeholders” part of the plan. Henry specified that he would make his resignation formal only after the presidential council is established and an interim prime minister named.

In his statement to the Jamaica meeting, U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken insisted that the proposal put forward is “Haitian-led and Haitian-conceived,” and quickly added that “the swift deployment” of the Kenyan-led Multinational Security Support Mission (MSSM) must accompany the plan to address Haiti’s horrific security crisis so that elections can eventually be held. Nowhere does he mention the word “development.” He also announced an additional $100 million for the MSSM, bringing the total U.S. contribution to $300 million, failing to mention that Republicans in Congress have refused to approve any funding at all for this mission. By now, he will have also learned that Kenya has put the whole operation on hold until there is an actual Haitian government with which it can coordinate.

No, this is not a “Haitian-led and Haitian-conceived” proposal, any more than Haiti’s gang, drug, and arms trafficking problem is “Haitian,” but rather a product of the international Dope, Inc. banking and money-laundering apparatus. That this proposal is the brainchild of the same imperial powers that have denied Haiti its sovereignty and right to develop for 100 years is noted by the daily Le Nouvelliste on March 11 which observed that to “access a slice of power,” the new presidential council members had to accept the deployment of the MSSM. “The international community seeks to confine our famous political leaders. At the end of the process, no one will forget from whom they derive their power or what their obligations are.”

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