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Nicaragua's Genocide Case Against Germany Scheduled for ICJ

March 15, 2024 (EIRNS)—The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will hear the genocide case against Germany on April 8-9, as reported today by the German website “Legal Tribune Online.” Nicaragua has accused Germany of aiding and abetting genocide in the Gaza Strip by supporting Israel politically, financially and militarily, and further, by cutting off funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). The hearings are initially about the summary proceedings. Nicaragua will present its case on April 8 and Germany will defend itself against the accusations on April 9.

On March 1, Nicaragua filed its lawsuit and initiated summary proceedings with the ICJ. It is calling on the ICJ to oblige Germany to immediately suspend its arms deliveries to Israel, insofar as these could be used to violate the Genocide Convention and other mandatory rules of international law. Germany should also resume payments to the UNRWA.

Since October 2023, there has been a “recognized danger of genocide against the Palestinian people” in the Gaza Strip. By supporting Israel, Germany has violated its obligations under the Genocide Convention, according to Nicaragua’s complaint. Also at issue are violations of the Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols as well as international humanitarian law.