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Israeli Military Sources Insist Diplomatic Agreements Are Needed To End War

March 28, 2024 (EIRNS)—Citing unnamed sources in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Jerusalem Post reported on March 27 that the IDF believes that only through diplomatic agreements can the war goals be met. The sources said that Israel needs the following to end both the Gaza and Lebanon Wars:

“There will be no resolution of the war in Gaza and Lebanon without one or more diplomatic agreements…. The IDF believes it has significant military achievements on both fronts but that diplomatic moves by the political echelon will be necessary to translate those military wins into long-term progress and stability. Absent a stable plan for managing Gaza post-war, the IDF believes that Hamas can easily still return to areas where the IDF previously achieved operations control….”

The IDF is also concerned with the situation in Lebanon, where Hezbollah remains active. “In these recent rounds, Hezbollah has fired over 110 rockets at Israel, signaling that despite its losses of over 300 of its forces to date, it is not close to bending to Israel’s desired outcome regarding security for the northern border,” wrote Yonah Jeremy Bob, Jerusalem Post’s senior military correspondent and intelligence analyst.

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