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Is a Downgrading of Russian Diplomatic Relations with Western Nations on the Horizon?

March 20, 2024 (EIRNS)—Leading Russian political analyst Dmitry Suslov warned that the response of Western nations to Putin’s reelection as President of Russia points in the direction of a possible downgrading of diplomatic relations in the near future, the Russian daily Vedomosti reported on March 19. Suslov is a member of RIAC (Russian International Affairs Council) and the Valdai Club, and is Deputy Director of the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies and Deputy Director of research programs at the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. Suslov’s comments should be read as a warning shot across the bow from Russia.

Vedomosti reported that “CIS nations, countries of Global South welcome Putin’s re-election victory,” whereas “the West declared the election rigged and illegitimate. British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and the German Foreign Ministry slammed the vote as unfree and unfair. White House National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby also described the election as unfair. The European Union castigated the vote, but Brussels’ reaction does not necessarily mean that the EU will not recognize the election outcome.”

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